Keeping Your White Clothes Bright
It’s not always easy to maintain
your white garments in the same quality that you bought them. There are a few simple tricks you can use that will keep them as close to new as possible. Use the below tips and gain an extra 2-3 years out of your whites, which is as good as money in the bank!
- Sort clothing carefully. Wash white clothes separately to prevent color transfer.
- Do not overload the washer . Detergents loosen soil but there must be enough space and water for the soil to wash away rather than redeposit on clothing.
- Treat stains immediately. Follow stain removal guidelines for fabric types and type of stains. Do not automatically use chlorine bleach even on cotton fibers because overuse can cause yellowing . An oxygen-based bleach (OxiClean, Clorox 2, Country Save Bleach, Purex 2 Color Safe Bleach) is usually safer.
- Never dry a garment that still has a stain. It can become permanent.